A young bi-racial man (Sessue Hayakawa) of Japanese ancestry travels to America to get revenge on his American father (Howard Davies), a naval officer who abandoned his Japanese mother (Tsuru Aoki, Hayakawa's actress wife), who committed suicide after he left her. Directed by William Worthington (THE DRAGON PAINTER). Alas, this silent film doesn't survive intact as major portions of the original print are missing (and not known to survive) so intertitles are provided to fill us in on what we're missing. This compromises the integrity of the film and leaves an unsatisfactory narrative. What we're left with looks promising and the young Sessue Hayakawa gives what seems like a well crafted performance but I don't think it's really fair to critique either the movie or Hayakawa's performance under the circumstances. Still, I'm glad to have been given a taste of it. With Marin Sais as the German spy who uses Hayakawa's hatred of his father to her advantage, Mayme Kelso and Sidney De Gray.
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