A military intelligence officer (Henry Fonda) suspects that the Germans are plotting an all out offensive but his superiors, a General (Robert Ryan) and a Colonel (Dana Andrews), dismiss his worries because of lack of evidence. But the Germans are, in fact, planning an all out offensive. This is one of the better war films of the 1960s but if you're expecting an accurate depiction of the actual Ardennes Counteroffensive, forget it. The major characters are all fictional, the circumstances surrounding the actual battle are rife with omissions and fabrications. But hopefully you're not someone who goes to the movies for a history lesson. Taking it strictly as a war movie, it's very good! Filmed in 70 millimeter by Jack Hildyard (BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI), this is a handsome looking film. With the emphasis on action, there's very little time for developing character but a few actors manage give fleshed out performances, notably Robert Shaw as German Colonel who lives for war, Telly Savalas as a black marketeer and Hans Christian Blech as a disillusioned German soldier. The superb score is by Benjamin Frankel. The large cast includes Charles Bronson, Pier Angeli, James MacArthur, George Montgomery, Ty Hardin, Werner Peters and Barbara Werle.
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