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Friday, August 27, 2021

Come Cani Arrabbiati (aka Like Rabid Dogs) (1976)

Accompanied by two sidekicks (Annarita Grapputo, Luis La Torre), the spoiled and privileged son (Cesare Barro) of a wealthy Italian businessman (Paolo Carlini) robs and kills for kicks. A police inspector (Jean Pierre Sabagh) is determined to catch them whatever the cost. Directed by Mario Imperoli, this is a nasty and unsavory exploitation film under the guise of a political film. Ostensibly, it's about how the rich can get away with murder because of their class but Imperoli lingers over the torture and brutal killings with such relish that it soon becomes clear where his head is really at. The female victims are stripped before they are tortured and murdered and served up for our delectation. To avoid charges of misogyny, Imperoli tosses in the killing of two homosexuals to throw us off the scent. When an undercover policewoman (Paola Senatore) is almost raped by the two thugs, she gets so turned on that she goes home and has sex with the police inspector who set her up. Granted, it's eminently watchable but you might feel like taking a shower when it's over. With Gloria Piedimonte.

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