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Friday, February 18, 2022

Nor The Moon By Night (1958)

Set in Africa, a game warden (Patrick McGoohan) is expecting a woman (Belinda Lee) he has never seen, only communicated through letters, to arrive at the sanctuary for the purpose of marriage. When an emergency arises, he sends his brother (Michael Craig) to pick up his future bride. But naturally, the brother and the intended bride find themselves irresistibly attracted to each other. Based on the novel by Joy Packer and directed by Ken Annakin (SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON). Released in the U.S. under the title ELEPHANT GUN, the movie combines a romantic triangle or should I say quadrangle (Anna Gaylor is the fourth) with the African adventure movie so popular in 1950s films with movies like SAFARI, ODONGO, BEYOND MOMBASA, WATUSI etc. In the film's favor is the authentic location shooting in Kenya and South Africa nicely shot by Harry Waxman (DAY THE EARTH CAUGHT FIRE) which makes up for the predictable romantic suds. The film does manage to generate some tension when McGoohan faces off with a cobra. The movie went over budget and was behind schedule but still managed to turn a profit. With Eric Pohlmann and Pamela Stirling. 

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