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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Keep Your Powder Dry (1945)

Set during WWII, three young women join the Women's Army Corp (WAC) for different reasons: a Manhattan socialite (Lana Turner) can't claim her inheritance until she shows responsibility, an army brat (Laraine Day) wants to continue the family tradition and a housewife (Susan Peters) joins after her husband (Michael Kirby) is deployed overseas. Directed by Edward Buzzell (BEST FOOT FORWARD), this movie could serve as a recruiting poster for the WACs. It was sort of the PRIVATE BENJAMN of its day though the film takes women in the military more seriously than the popular Goldie Hawn comedy. The emphasis is on the antagonistic relationship between Turner's society girl and Day's career officer but the movie balances the pros and cons of each woman and their ability to realize their individual flaws and learn from their mistakes. The film was a big hit for MGM and remains a minor entertainment. With Agnes Moorehead, June Lockhart, Natalie Schafer, Lee Patrick, Jess Barker and Elizabeth Russell.

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