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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Night Has Eyes (1942)

Two school teachers (Joyce Howard, Tucker McGuire) take a holiday in the Yorkshire Moors where a fellow school teacher mysteriously disappeared the year before. While walking on the moors, a fierce storm forces them to take shelter in a secluded house inhabited by misanthropic recluse. Based on the novel by Alan Kensington and directed by Leslie Arliss (THE WICKED LADY). A limp romantic mystery in the style of JANE EYRE. James Mason was in his brooding phase here and while he makes an acceptable if pallid substitute for Edward Rochester, the rest of the cast range from acceptable (Mary Clare as the housekeeper) to irritating (McGuire's man crazy gal pal). Director Arliss provides a suitable fog shrouded semi Gothic atmosphere that helps the movie hobble along until it reaches its destination. The "surprise" ending is no surprise at all, I saw it coming and I suspect most others will too. With Wilfrid Lawson and John Fernald.

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