Beginning in 1876, the film explores the aftermath of the Sioux triumph over General Custer at Little Big Horn. Three characters are at its center: a young Dartmouth educated Sioux doctor (Adam Beach), the proud Lakota chief Sitting Bull (August Schellenberg) who refuses to submit to government policies that would strip his people of their identity and dignity and a U.S. Senator (Aidan Quinn), one of the men responsible for government policy on Indian affairs. Based on the non fictional book by Dee Brown and directed by Yves Simoneau (MOTHER'S BOYS). The betrayal and genocide of Native Americans is one of the most shameful chapters in American history. This well thought out documentary like movie details how what was supposed to be a positive plan to assimilate Native Americans (albeit on enforced residency on reservations) into a self sufficient group able to sustain themselves on their own property turns into broken promises and acts of betrayal that would further strip Native Americans of their lands. The film has actors who at least are partially indigenous North Americans (mostly from Canada) rather than Caucasian actors playing "Indians". With Anna Paquin, J.K. Simmons, Colm Feore, Fred Dalton Thompson, Gordon Tootoosis and Chevez Ezaneh.
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