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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Boy, Did I Get A Wrong Number (1966)

A Hollywood sex symbol (Elke Sommer) is tired of being exploited for her body so she walks off the set of her latest film and hides out in a secluded lakeside cabin in Oregon. Things gets ultra complicated when a real estate agent (Bob Hope) trying to sell the lakeside property gets involved with the actress. Directed by George Marshall (MURDER HE SAYS)this mid 60s Bob Hope farce is a prime example of the rut Hope's film career was in. One of the dependable comic film actors in the 30s40s and 50safter BACHELOR IN PARADISE (1961)his last good comedyhis movies became increasingly worse. Known for his crackerjack timingboth he and Phyllis Diller (playing his maid) are unable to do anything with the material. There's not a single laugh to be had in the whole filmnot one which allows one's mind to wander and dwell on something like the hideousness of Marjorie Lord's (as Hope's wife) ugly wig. Surprisinglyit did fairly well at the box office. With Cesare DanovaJoyce Jameson and Terry Burnham.

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