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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Der Golem: Wie Er In Die Welt Kam (aka The Golem: How He Came Into The World) (1920)

In the Jewish ghetto of medieval Polanda Rabbi (Albert Steinruck) reading the stars sees disaster for his people. The day afterthe Emperor (Otto Gebhur) issues a mandate that the Jews must leave Prague. To save his peoplethe Rabbi invokes a spell that will bring his newly created clay creationthe Golem (Paul Wegener)to life to protect his people. Based on the 1915 novel by Gustav Meyrink and directed by Paul Wegener and Carl Boese. Made at the height of German expressionism in cinemathis was an influential film in the horror genre chiefly because of Karl Freund's cinematography (he would go on to shoot the 1931 DRACULA) and the art direction of Hans Poelzig and Kurt Richter. For exampleits influence can clearly be seen in James Whale's film of FRANKENSTEIN (1931). Its iconic status asideit remains a transfixing piece of horror cinema rather than just an archival museum piece. With Lydia SalmonovaErnst DueutschLothar Muthel and Fritz Feld.

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