An art dealer (Marie Windsor) is a rotten to the core manipulator. She refuses to give her husband (John Archer) a divorce to marry the woman (Nancy Gates) he loves unless he gives her half his income plus a hefty settlement. She breaks up the engagement of her assistant (Jil Jarmyn) when she decides she wants her boyfriend (Richard Crane) for herself. She dumps her current lover (Patric Knowles) when he is no longer of any use to her professionally. So when she turns up murdered, there's no lack of suspects! Ah, the joys of the "B" movie. Cheaply made pieces of pulp that were often more entertaining than their "A" budget brethren. Marie Windsor played leads in "B" movies and supporting roles in "A" movies and she was never able to break out of the "B" movie rut. She had plenty of talent (she's superb in Kubrick's THE KILLING) and was attractive in a hard bitten post menopausal Joan Crawford sort of way and really deserved a better career. She really breathes some life into this murder mystery and when she's killed off, a bit of the movie dies with her. Directed by Franklin Adreon. With Fern Hall and Morris Ankrum.
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