An ex- mobster (Edmond O'Brien) hires a down on his luck press agent (Tom Ewell) to turn his girlfriend (Jayne Mansfield) into a big recording star. There are two problems: one, the agent and the girl find themselves falling in love and two, she can't sing! This delightful satire on rock 'n roll is wittily executed but it also serves as a time capsule of sorts. A document of the early emerging sounds of the rock 'n roll that would soon take over the music industry. The film was hugely influential on two future rock stars, John Lennon and Paul McCartney. As directed by Frank Tashlin, the film is a live action cartoon and Tashlin wickedly pushes the mammary jokes as far as he can as Mansfield plays a scene holding two large bottles of milk to her ample bosom. Mansfield is in on the joke and indeed plays it to the hilt. So if you are into the early days of rock 'n roll or a fan of Tashlin's turning animation into live action, the film should be a treat. With Julie London, Henry Jones, Juanita Moore, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Eddie Cochran, The Platters, Gene Vincent, Abbey Lincoln, John Emery and The Platters.
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