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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Naked Alibi (1954)

After a murder suspect (Gene Barry) vows vengeance on the cops that beat him upa cop (Max Showalter) is killed. The suspect skips town to a Mexican border town where he's followed by a police detective (Sterling Hayden) determined to prove his guilt and arrest him. Based on the short story CRY COPPER by J. Robert Bren and Gladys Atwater and directed by Jerry Hopper (SECRET OF THE INCAS). There are no surprises in this noir potboiler. It's hard to warm up to Hayden's protagonist as he's really nothing more than a thug with a badge and we've seen enough of these crime thrillers to know that Grahame's good bad girl most likely won't survive the film's denouement. It's moderately entertaining but I'll probably barely remember it in a month. With Chuck Connors and Marcia Henderson.

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