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Friday, June 28, 2024

Black Moon (1934)

A young wife and mother (Dorothy Burgess) feels compelled to return to the Caribbean island where she was born and raised. Her Uncle (Arnold Korff) urges her to stay away but nothing will keep her away. Leaving her husband (Jack Holt) behind, she and her little daughter (Cora Sue Collins) return to the island. Based on a short story by Clements Ripley and directed by Roy William Neill (FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLF MAN). While I enjoyed this minor pre code horror film, there's an underlying distasteful element of colonial racism permeating the movie. It's a tiny Caribbean island "ruled" by a Caucasian that exploits the indigenous people. Naturally, they would resent it yet their native "uprisings" are portrayed as a fearful thing rather than an indigenous people attempting to reclaim their island back from the white colonialist. Of course, since it's a horror movie, the natives practice voodoo and have human sacrifices. If you can get past all that, it's tight (one hour and 10 minutes) well done genre piece. With Fay Wray, Clarence Muse and Madame Sul Te Wan. 

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