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Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Werewolf (1956)

Set in a small mountain community, a man (Steven Ritch) who has been in a minor automobile accident is surreptitiously injected with a serum that turns him into a werewolf by two unscrupulous doctors (Ken Christy, S. John Launer). Directed by Fred T. Sears (EARTH VS. THE FLYING SAUCERS). This isn't a B movie, it's a C movie! It's a low budget quickie that has some nice location shooting (Big Bear Lake in Southern California) but everything else from the plot, the acting and the writing is hokey. I like a good werewolf movie as much as the next horror fan but this one drags out its hour and twenty minutes so slowly that it feels like a longer film. The transition from man to werewolf is well done, I'll give it that but it's pretty low on the totem pole of werewolf movies. With Don Megowan, Joyce Holden and Eleanore Tanin.

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