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Saturday, March 1, 2025

La Ragazza Nella Nebbia (aka The Girl In The Fog) (2017)

A sixteen year old girl (Ekaterina Buscemi) goes missing in an isolated mountain village in Italy. The police inspector (Toni Servillo) who is assigned to the case is notorious for arresting an innocent man who spent four years in jail before being found innocent. This time he's focused on a school teacher (Alessio Boni) who he is convinced kidnapped and murdered the girl. Is his instinct right or will history repeat itself. Based on the novel by Donato Carrisi, who not only adapted his novel for the screen but directed it in his film directorial debut. Expertly made with all the requisite suspense a psychological thriller like this needs to make it work. Toni Servillo's (best remembered for THE GREAT BEAUTY) character is an odd choice for the main protagonist. He's unethical (he plants evidence) and vain and unapologetic with no guilt about sending an innocent man to prison. By the time the movie is over, you feel unclean. Unsavory but riveting. There's a nice underscore by Vito Lo Re. With Jean Reno, Greta Scacchi, Lorenzo Richelmy and Galatea Ranzi.

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