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Monday, March 17, 2025

The Naked Prey (1966)

Set in colonial South Africa, a safari guide (Cornel Wilde) leads an arrogant client (Gert Van Den Bergh) and his troop into the African veldt to hunt elephants for their ivory. However, when the client insults a group of natives, they are taken prisoner and while the client is killed, the guide escapes with a small contingent of natives in pursuit. Directed by actor turned director Cornel Wilde (BEACH RED). Made for very little money and filmed in South Africa, the movie's screenplay received an Oscar nomination although dialogue is minimal and much of the natives' dialogue not in English (the film doesn't provide subtitles). Loosely based on the American explorer John Colter, who was stripped and chased by the Blackfeet tribe in Montana. The movie is much admired for its stripped down minimalist (reputedly the script was under ten pages) approach to its "man against nature" adventure film. There's much killing in the movie which is a turn off: man killing man, man killing animals, animals killing animals and the graphic images almost seem exploitative after awhile. The film's wide screen cinematography (Panavision) by H.A.R. Thomson (NO BLADE OF GRASS) is impressive. With Ken Gampu and Bella Randels.

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